
10 Family Friendly Podcasts

By Victoria Robillard - Publisher August 2, 2017

I love podcasts. I listen to them while I am driving, working and exercising. Podcasts give me a glimpse into things that I would never discover on my own. When I am cleaning my house I can learn about economics or science. When I am exercising I can find comradery with other parents or laugh at comedians. They make dreaded tasks tolerable. >

We spend a lot of time in the car. When school starts in a few weeks we will be in the car even more as we drive to and from two different schools. As the beginning of school looms so does the argument about what will on the radio for these daily rides. I don’t know how long into September I will be able to listen to monkeys behaving badly and not listening to their mother or the doctor. And although I love my children, there is not enough caffeine in the world to make full volume-off key accompaniments to princess songs enjoyable at 7 am. The podcasts I love: Crimetown, Planet Money, and One Bad Mother are not appropriate for a five and a two-year-old. To alleviate this conundrum and to get us through some end of summer road trips, I developed a list of great podcasts for the whole family. These podcasts are just as much fun for me as they are for my kids.

Podcasts we love to listen to as a family

1. What if World 

What if World with Mr. Eric is our new favorite podcast! Each week a caller asks a “What if” question. Through a story the listener is taken to What If World where the cast of characters play out the proposed scenario. “What if it rained candy?” “What if everyone had a pet unicorn?” The wackier the question the better the story. Your child can call in with their “what if” questions too!

2. Wow in the World

I like almost everything that comes from NPR. How can you go wrong with the company that produces This American Life and Planet Money? Wow in the World brings fun and entertainment to science and current events. With topics like “Brain Freeze!” and “Mosquitoes, Stinky Socks, and Bread…Oh My!” everyone in the family learns something and has a good time listening.

3. Brains On

Brains On has led to many in-depth conversations about a wide range of topics during car rides and over dinner. Each week a different kid co-host joins Molly Bloom, Marc Sanchez and Sanden Totten to interview experts in various fields and find out why things happen the way they do. Even my two-year-old gets in on the fun with the weekly mystery sounds.

4. Short and Curly

This podcast about ethical dilemmas, but it isn’t all seriousness. There is a lot of fun and silliness too! Short and Curly gets kids thinking, and families talking, about ethical questions on a level children can understand. “Do you have to love your siblings?” “Why can’t kids vote?” The podcast gives you clues as to when it would be a good time to stop and talk about the questions together. I love hearing what my kids think on different topics and the reasoning behind their thoughts.

5. Dream Big Podcast

A fantastic mother-daughter podcast where they encourage children and adults to pursue their big dreams. They interview people who have made their big dreams a reality. Eva, the host, is an amazing 7-year-old with a talent for interviewing. The guests on Dream Big Podcast range from entertainers and entrepreneurs to scientists and sports stars. This podcast has something for every type of dreamer.

6. But Why

Kids from all over the world find answers to their “But Why” questions in this podcast. With questions like “Are Yawns Contagious?” and “Why Do Your Fingers and Toes Wrinkle in the Tub?” I find myself forgetting that this a podcast designed for kids. My daughter is working on her “Why” question right now to send in.

7. The Saturday Morning Cereal Bowl

A great podcast with 2 hours of kid and parent-friendly music to keep you entertained on long car rides or hanging out at home. Saturday Morning Cereal Bowl is full of kids’ music that you as the parent might actually enjoy. This isn’t your wheels on the bus and the ABCs for two hours. There are some very cute covers of songs from my younger days. This week I loved listening to Squirrels by Uncle Dox.

8. Story Pirates

Story Pirates is a podcast where actors, comedians, and musicians take stories written by kids and make them into musical theater. We are HUGE fans of musical theater around my house. In fact, my five-year-old will turn any story into a song and dance so this is right up our alley. These 15 to 20 podcasts are perfect for our ride to school.

9. Tumble

Tumble is a science podcast for kids that parents like too. It combines science with storytelling to form a wonderfully entertaining partnership. This family team of podcasters believes that if children understand and enjoy science, the world will be a better place. With shows like “The puzzle of the flipping cat” they are definitely making science enjoyable.

10. Storynory

Storynory combines classical and original stories told by a woman with a beautiful soothing voice. When we listen to Storynory everyone, even me, sits quietly and enjoys the story. I save these podcasts for times when I want a peaceful car ride. They haven’t failed me yet.

If you have any other podcasts that your family listens to, let me know. I would love to add them to our list. You can reach me on facebook, twitter or by email. 

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