
Raising Up Families and Women with Rising Women's Whole Life Wellness

A spotlight on businesses with a contagious passion and a powerful message

By Victoria Robillard May 29, 2017

A few weeks ago, I got the opportunity to sit down and chat with two of the most incredible, vibrant and passionate people I have ever met. I left our meeting feeling energized about life and who I was as a person and as a mother. Capturing the power and presence that these two bring into a room is a little like capturing lightening in a bottle. Their passion for what they do exudes from their pores, you can see it on their faces. They don't just want to change their field and the world they are actively trying to be that change. 

Liz Libby and Lindsay Miller are the two women behind Rising Tide Women's Whole Life Wellness. Thier website says that they provide doula, prenatal education, and lactation support, but that is just the start of what they do. Their mission is to flip the entire process of pregnancy. birth, and postpartum upside down. They help families (of all types) see how powerful the whole experience from pregnancy through postpartum can be. They don't hide the scary and painful bits because those are part of the process. They empower mothers to get through those times and they empower partners to take an active role in the support. A rising tide lifts all boats and Liz and Lindsay work to lift up and support all families.

Each of these women brings a distinct aspect to the business, but they share the same devotion to changing the way the world looks at this brief but encompassing and defining time of life. Our culture has some erroneous expectations about birth and motherhood. In the United States, we see covers of magazines that show women who are six weeks postpartum and they are in tiny little bathing suits toting the ways to "get your body back". We applaud mothers who are "doing it all" days after giving birth, running to soccer games and the grocery store. If we look at it honestly, our culture expects that from a new mother.  After a baby comes into the world a mother is raw, emotionally and physically. A partner is exhausted and unsure as to how to best support the mother. Part of the mission of Rising Tide is to reconstruct the postpartum period. Liz and Lindsay want to be there when things are great and everyone is excited but they also want to be a means of support when things are not as good because it is all part of the process of parenting. 

Rising Tide Women's Whole Life Wellness officially launched in January of 2017. Beyond the services they provide, they work tirelessly in the community. They are working on educating health care providers on better ways to support mothers and those who chose to breastfeed. One of the great things they are involved with is Delivered Cape Cod. A local chapter of Delivered, a story-slam organization dedicated to allowing everyone to share stories about reproductive health and the ways it defines us. You can find out more about Delivered Cape Cod and their next story slam on June 4th here. It will be worth the drive over the bridge. 

My short time with Liz and Lindsay was incredible and eye opening. The passion and devotion they bring to their work is contagious. I have saved the audio file of our interview so that I can go back and listen to it when I need a reminder that parenting isn't' perfect and it is hard, or if I need a jolt of dedication and excitement in my work. If I was so moved by their passion and their power I can only image how their clients must feel. You can find out more about Rising Tide, Liz and Lindsay and all the services they offer by visiting their website.

This is the first of what will be a monthly P2 article about a business with a contagious passion and a powerful message. If you know of a business or a person who should be featured, please email me at