
Book Review: Story Path

You choose the path and create the story

By Victoria Robillard - Publisher June 28, 2017

Story Path: choose a path, tell a story

Written and Illustrated by Madalena Matoso
Age Range 3-7 years
Hardcover, colored picture book
Published by Kane Miller EDC Publishing
ISBN 9781610676045

This week we borrowed Story Path: choose a path, tell a story by Madalena Matoso from our local library. The book is a unique reading experience. Many children's books are filled with pictures and words telling just one story. The reader does not get to choose where the character lives or what type of "bad guy" they must evade. With this storybook, you choose the path your story will take. On each page, you are given a few words to read aloud and a path to follow with your finger. As you follow the path you can tell your own story about what you find. The book also asks some questions to add details to the narrative. You can read this book a thousand times and never read the same story twice. 

The whole family enjoyed this book. We took turns choosing the path and answering the questions. The first night we read the book twice, then my five-year-old took it to bed with her to read again. 

Storytelling is something most kids love to do. Story Path allows them, with gentle guidance, to create their own stories. It provides visual aids for them to share their stories with others. The pictures are simple, bright and colorful. Story Path has become a staple in our nighttime routine. It breaks up the monotony of reading the same favorite bedtime story night after night.