
Striving to Stay Organized in the New School Year

Bins for everyday of the week

By Victoria Robillard - Publisher August 2, 2017

This year I am making a promise to myself that I will stay organized and on top of things. This is the first school year I will have two kids in school and activities. With just one kid last year I felt like I needed organizational help. Every Tuesday, two minutes before we needed to leave for dance, I was searching for dance tights and my daughter’s leotard. In an effort to keep my promise I created this storage organization system. Now everything has its place and each day I just need to grab what is in the drawer and we are ready for the day.

If you want to create your own system, here is how.

1. Print Labels from here or create your own

2. I used self-adhesive laminating sheets I found at Staples to make the tags more durable

3. I added glue dots to the back of the tags and the front of the draws 

4. I did the same with the activity badges. My daughter can't yet read long words but these badges will give her a clue of what is happening every day.

5. Add the items you need for each day

I am hoping this will prevent the last minute dash for the leotard or the tennis shoes each week and save my family time and sanity.

If you try this let me know how it works. Tag me @mackidvictoria on Instagram or Share it on Plymouth, MA Macaroni Kid Facebook page

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