
The Plymouth Waterfront Festival is THIS WEEKEND!

By Erin Michael, Plymouth MA Macaroni Kid Publisher August 8, 2022

This summer is flying by! 

Can you believe it is already August? And that can only mean one thing...

This year's festival will take place on August 27th, 2022 at Plymouth's Waterfront. Click to explore below ... There is something for everyone! 


Plan ahead to ensure a stress free day! 


From Boston

From Boston take Route 93 South to Route 3 South. Take exit 6A off Route 3. Follow the exit ramp to the right, which puts you on Route 44 East (Samoset Street). Stay on Route 44 East (Samoset Street) and cross Route 3A (Court Street). You are now on North Park Avenue. Continue on this street to the small rotary. Take the first right onto Water Street. The festival will be right in front of you.

From Cape Cod

From Cape Cod, take exit 6 off Route 3 North. Follow the exit ramp to the right, which puts you on Route 44 East (Samoset Street). Stay on Route 44 East (Samoset Street) and cross Route 3A (Court Street). You are now on North Park Avenue. Continue on this street to the small rotary. Take the first right onto Water Street. The festival will be right in front of you.


Be sure to pay attention to times on each image. 

When visiting events and local businesses, be sure to tell them Macaroni KID sent you... and don't forget to tell all your friends!