
Winter Months and DUST!

10 Tips for Taming Those Tiny Specks!

By Amy Mercer, Owner of A Mother's Touch Cleaning Co February 7, 2022

Amy Mercer is the owner of  A Mother's Touch Cleaning Co and a local mom. Each month, Amy will offer Plymouth Macaroni KID readers cleaning tips, hacks, and advice. For more information about her business or to book a cleaning, follow on Facebook and Instagram or stop by her website, here!

Dreaded dust!! It comes from EVERYTHING! Too much dust can cause allergies and other health problems. Typical household dust consists of gross things like dead insect pieces, flakes of skin cells, paper, hair, pet dander, food particles and shreds of fabric amongst other things!

Dust production never ends because these little bits settle everywhere and this matter is always coming apart. We ourselves even create dust! Just one puff of a cigarette has approximately 4 billion large dust particles…another reason to quit! This dust is in all the air around us that we are breathing in. It gets around because dust particles are so small. 

Why does dust seem endless in the winter months? Cold weather is known to increase dust risks. Lack of ventilation such as fans no longer blowing, doors and windows no longer open because we are trying to keep the heat in and the cold out! This ventilation shortage causes dust to settle in higher places which is harder to see and clean. In the winter months air holds less moisture. Many buildings and houses use forced air heating systems which take even more of the humidity out of the air. Lower humidity levels dries out the accumulated  dust and makes it easier for the dust to disperse throughout the air. 

1. Clean or upgrade your air filters in your heating system

2. Use air purifiers which help trap dust. 

Most only clean the air in the room it is placed in so get as many as you need. Make sure to have them in the highest “traffic” areas. 


Too many knick-knacks help dust hide. Piles of magazines and books produce a ton of dust. If you must keep them, store them in plastic bags or totes. 

4. Groom your pets frequently 

5. If you have a chimney, watch for ash and soot. If needed, have a chimney sweep completed.

6. Clean the dryer of lint

7. Fill any cracks around your doors and window frames. 

Dust even comes from the outside!

8. Get rid of anything you aren’t using

Cloth materials such as couches, pillows and blankets produce and trap dust. Wash your pillows and blankets frequently. 

9. Keep those closets clean and free of clutter.

Store out of season clothes. Keep closet floors clear of junk to make it easier to vacuum out. Every time you open your closet door it produces a change in pressure which then causes the particles to shed from the clothes and fabrics in there. 

10. Clean, Clean, Clean!! 

Vacuuming frequently helps cut down the dust build-up. Sweep if you don’t have time to vacuum. Also, mopping frequently-helps keep dust under control. Wash bedding often; sheets, pillowcases once a week and your other bedding and blankets every 3-4 weeks. 

If the dust is getting to you, but you just don't have the time to get to all of the things on this list, hire A Mother's Touch today! For more information or to book a cleaning, follow on Facebook and Instagram or stop by the website, here.