Local Libraries are working hard to create great engaging summer reading opportunities this summer. Check out their Summer Reading Programs below!
At Macaroni Kid we are working around the clock to bring you the best and most up to date information about these Summer Reading Programs and all the great LOCAL Family Fun that is happening. But we can't do it without your help. If you noticed that I missed a Summer Reading Event or other Fun Program please reach out to me via email erinm@macaronikid.com.
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Local Library Programs (in alphabetical order by town) |
Many libraries are using the theme of the Massachusetts statewide summer reading program for 2021 - Tails & Tales. Check out each library to see what events and programs they are offering!

Carver Public Library
Animal Adventures – Monday, June 28 at 4:00 p.m. – Animal Adventures is an exotic animal rescue center and traveling zoo that features animals and teaches about traits, habitat and conservation. The show is interactive, and offers humane, biological and environmental education in a fun and engaging manner. This show is sponsored by the Carver Cultural Council, a local agency supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council.
Toddler Storytime – Tuesdays, July 6 to August 10 at 10:30 a.m. – Join volunteer reader and Selectwoman, Sarah Hewins, for stories, songs and activities.
Storytime – Wednesdays, July 7 to August 11 at 10:30 a.m. – Join us for stories, songs and related activities.
Theater Workshop Series – Children ages 10 and up will register to have an amazing experience building functional puppets, writing a script and developing acting skills and puppet manipulation during this 6 week theater series, which will culminate in a team production. A unique opportunity to join an immersive program taught by puppet masters and sponsored by Carver Cultural Council, a local agency supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council.
Reading Buddies – Wednesdays July 7-14 and August 4-25 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. – Children grades K-5 are invited to read with a therapy dog for a 20 minute session. Please call to register for your time slot.
Stuffie Sleepover – Animals due by July 12. Kids bring in a stuffed friend (please label with child's name, stuffie's name and a contact phone number) who will stay at the library and go on a series of adventures, which are then made into a movie. The drop off day is July 12th (early drop offs are wonderful too!) Be sure it is a stuffed animal that can be away from home for a few weeks, until their reunion on Monday, August 2nd (or any time after!)
Pet Photography Contest – Entries due by July 24. Catch your pet reading and bring us a photo. We will create and exhibit in the library and winners will be chosen!
Bird Bingo – Pick up a Bingo card and play all summer. Every time you see one of the birds on your card, mark it off and bring it in for a prize when you have a B-I-N-G-O!
Teen Video Challenge – Entries due by August 6. Do you have a passion for reading or libraries? Do you want to share your video or performative skills with teens across the country? The Teen Video Challenge is for you! Five winners will be chosen and will receive: a $200 cash prize, and $50 worth of summerreading materials for their library! Visit https://www.cslpreads.org/programs/teen-program/2021-teen-video-challenge for more information.
Glitter Mosaic – Saturday, July 10 at 11:00 a.m. – Ages 4 and up, must register.
Grab & Go Activities – Mondays, July 12 to August 2 from 11:00 a.m. while supplies last – Grab a prepackaged craft kit to take home when you come for your books.
Bring Home a Birdfeeder – Saturday, July 17 at 11:00 a.m. – Ages 5 and up, must register.
Slithering Snake – Saturday, July 24 at 11:00 a.m. – Ages 4 and up, must register.
Monkey See, Monkey Do – Saturday, July 31 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. – All ages, drop in. Visit during Old Home Day and let the kids act like animals (literally) and be rewarded as they follow our animal exercise course.
ImagArena – Saturday, August 7 at 11:00 a.m. – ImagArena is a new building workshop designed to awaken the imaginative abilities of every individual. It combines the spirit of an art program, materials of a building workshop and framework of a video game to engage everyone. Ages 6-12 can register for this program, sponsored by the Carver Cultural Council, a local agency supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council.
Pumpernickel Puppets – Saturday, August 14 at 11:00 a.m. – Imagine having the opportunity to see a show that has graced the steps of the Smithsonian or been performed at the International Festival of Puppetry right here in Carver. Well, now you can! Come see the Lion & the Mouse and the Three Billy Goat’s Gruff done by a renowned performer. Sponsored by the Carver Cultural Council, a local agency supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council.

Holmes Public Library - Halifax, MA

Mattapoisett Free Public Library
Check out Mattapoisett Free Public Library's Summer Reading opportunities : http://www.mattapoisettlibrary.org/Pages/Index/182747/summer-reading-2021
In addition, Mattapoisett Free Public Library will also be offering Craft and Steam kits!
STEAM Kits | Craft Kits | |
On the Farm June 29 - July 3 | STEM Challenge Kit (Lower Level) Simple games and puzzles. | Farm Animal Finger Puppes (Upper Level) Cut out fleece using a pattern and glue together to create your own puppets. |
At the Zoo July 6 - July 10 | STEM Challenge Kit (Upper Level) | Paper Chain Snake (Lower Level) Using strips of paper, link together a paper snake. |
Dinosaur Days July 13 - July 17 | Balancing Dinosaurs (Lower Level) Paint a paper plate dinosaur and balance it with clothespins. | Origami Dinosaurs (Upper Level) Using Origami paper, follow instructions to make your own paper dinosaurs. |
Deep in the Sea July 20 - July 24 | Boats (Upper Level) Make your own boat out of a variety of materials. | Paper Crab Craft (Lower Level) Assemble a paper crab using colored paper and brads. |
Love my Pet July 27 - July 31 | Build a Dog Kennel (Lower Level) Assemble a "dog kennel" out of popsicle for your pet dog. | Sock Rabbit (Upper Level) Stuff a sock with fill and glue together. |
Bugs, Bees and Butterflies August 3 - August 7 | Earthworm Coding (Lower Level) Simple patterns with beads and pipe cleaners. | Glowstick Fire Fly (Upper Level) Using recycled material, create your own glowing fire fly. |

Plympton Public Library
Check out the Kid's Fiction Finder service on their website to find your child's next summer read!
Don't miss Big Ryan's Tall Tales on June 26th at the library! Check out all of their summer events here.

Joseph H. Plumb Memorial Library - Rochester, MA
By registering for the Plumb SLP, you are promising to TRY your best to read, attend events, and complete activities, challenges, BINGO cards and logs during the program dates! Prizes will be earned! Do what you can, when you can. It's easy! Just remember to SLP: Sign up, Log, Participate!
Their event calendar offers lots of exciting programs and opportunities for your readers! Check it out here.

Wareham Free Library
Miss your favorite storytime? Check it out here with the Wareham Free Library's weekly story time videos
Know a local business with a Summer Reading Program? Email me at erinm@macaronikid.com
![]() | Winding Way Literacy and PMK Summer Reading Challenge!Join us for our first ever Summer Reading Challenge! Complete challenges and be entered to win lots of different prizes, including to $100 cash prizes! Tune into Instagram for all the details! |

Rockland Trust - Reading Makes Cent$
June 1 - August 31, 2021
At Rockland Trust, we believe in strengthening the communities in which we work and live – in fact, this is one of our corporate promises. We know that reading plays a major role in the education of children. Reading Makes Cent$ is a bank-wide summer program that encourages children to read during the summer and also learn the value of saving their money.
Program Details:
- For students throughout Massachusetts entering grades 1 through 8 in the Fall of 2021. Students can earn $2.50 in a Rockland Trust savings account for each book they read (up to 10 books) and track in the Rockland Trust Summer Reading Journal.
- Program runs from June 1, 2021 – August 31, 2021. Accounts can be opened or credited until September 13, 2021.
- If you do not already have a Rockland Trust Savings Makes Cent$ account, you will need to open an account and can do so by visiting your local Rockland Trust branch!
Reading Makes Cent$ journals are now available online and in branches!

Scholastic Summer Read-a-Palozza
April 26 - September 3, 2021
Now more than ever it is critically important to keep kids engaged in summer reading to ensure their academic success in the fall. Scholastic is committed to providing at-home learning over the summer months with Scholastic Summer Read-a-Palooza.

Half Price Books
Summer Reading Camp
Read 15 minutes a day to keep your appetite for reading all summer long. Check in with Half Price Books all summer for reading recommendations, tips, virtual storytimes and weekly giveaways.

Sync: Free Summer Audiobook Program for Teens
Sync has a summer reading program for teens that will give them two free audiobooks each week this summer. The program runs through August 1, 2020
More Articles about Summer Reading |
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